District Service Committees
Accessibility Committee
Accessibility Committee
Chair: Position is open
Accessibilities Committees explore, develop, and offer resources to alcoholics with significant barriers to receiving the Alcoholics Anonymous message and to participating in our program of recovery. We want A.A. to be available to all alcoholics who reach out for it.
Accessibilities Sharing Document
Archives Committee
Chair: Lou M.
Archives Committees work to collect, preserve and share the history of A.A.
Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee (CPC)
Chair: Position is open
A.A.’s Committee for the Cooperation with the Professional Community (C.P.C.) provides information about A.A. to members of the community whose profession may bring them into contact with people who may suffer from the disease of alcoholism.
Bridging The Gap
Chair: Danielle C.
Bridging The Gap is a Temporary Contact Program to “Bridge the Gap” between treatment facilities or other programs, and A.A. Simply put, a temporary contact is an A.A.member who works with clients who are being discharged from treatment-type settings and helps them bridge the gap to A.A. in the online community.
Corrections Committee
Chair: Eric S.
Members of Corrections Committees coordinate the work of individual A.A. members and groups to carry the message of recovery to alcoholics who are in custody.
Grapevine and Literature Committee
Chair: Jeff B.
Grapevine and Literature Committees ensure A.A. literature is available for A.A. groups, service meetings and other A.A. events. The committee advocates for Grapevine and La Viña at the group and district level, and serves as a link between group GVRs/RLVs and the district and area structure.
Committee Meeting Schedule/ Info
Public Information Committee (PI)
Chair: Pauline O.
Members of Public Information Committees convey the A.A. message of recovery to the still suffering alcoholic by informing the general public about the A.A. program.
Treatment Committee
Chair: Emily K.
Members of the Treatment Committee work to carry the A.A. message into treatment settings where suffering alcoholics, and the professionals who treat them, may be introduced to A.A.
Treatment Committee Sharing/Info
Web Committee
Chair: Dick V.
The primary purpose of the web committee is to share relevant information to support our district online groups. The Committee works with the District Webservant to maintain and continue to improve the website. In addition, the committee establishes and documents policies that support anonymity and online security. Members of the Web Committee promote unity through web communications by applying the Twelve Traditions to our use of technology.
Young Peoples Committee
Chair: Ivory
The Young Peoples Committee bridges young alcoholics to the general service structure– meetings, groups, and service committees within the District and Area. We assist young people in understanding Recovery, Unity, and Service through the 12 Steps, Traditions, and Concepts for World Service. We connect young people with one another and encourage them to reach out the hand of A.A. to all alcoholics who are suffering.
3rd Legacy
Chair: Blue J.
District Ad Hoc Committees:
Budget Committee
Chair: District Treasurer -
The District 25 Budget Committee’s purpose is to be a resource to the District on financial matters.
District Handbook Committee
The District 25 Handbook Committee is developing a District 25 General Service Handbook that outlines our district processes and procedures.
Reimbursement Form - This is the form you need to fill out to send to the Treasurer to get your money back for expenses. Fill out, snail mail back, or scan/photo and email back